Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well, it sure has been a while, SO I'll just hit a few HIGH spots!

Since I've been gone, I have a new grandbaby! Lily Sue Ellen Doke...and the name fits her to a tee..
a "Lily" for sure! Bright, smiles, and beautiful...:). Now a little over a year old.

Also,  I now have the perfect job! I travel, make my own hours, get to TALK, and love it!  I can't contain the passion for working with Protect the Harvest! ( Living on a farm makes it even better)
The not-for-profit organization status is  protecting  our way of life...SO protecting farmers, ranchers. fisherman, hunters, pet owners from CRAZY extreme animals rights groups from destroying our food supply! We need to use common sense on this people! Mess with our farmers..and we will pay high prices and eventually no FOOD! Remember control the food...they will control you!

Right now, I am at a dear friend's house in Indy while attending the US Nationals...SWEET!
However, Issac decided to come in stronger ....and the rain cancelled the event for the day...:(
My wise choice of coming back to her house to get some good bonding of our friendship was very well deserved! Of course, with glasses of good wine in hand!

On a bad note, my mother-in-law passed on July 26...this year !Mary loved her family, especially her grandbabies, she was the glue on every dinner and family gathering.  She was an awesome cook...and she taught my daughter, Angie, well! Angie will fill her shoes as the leader of the family!

I promise not to be gone back soon! And remember to be yourself...and be honest with everyone!


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