Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Our own Legacy!

As you all know, my involvement in drag racing is not only business but pleasure (heavy on the pleasure side)!

The NHRA Pomona Finals were this past weekend and with realizing then not only the NHRA drivers have their legacy but so do we....Listening to Jack Beckman, the 2012 Funny Car Champion, made me think we are all creating our legacy for our family in so many ways! If it's ending one chapter of our lives or opening a NEW chapter, we want our children to remember us as their mentor or the one parent, grandparent who was cool! Like "the Snake" or the bald qeeky guy or the driver that was always on fire! LOL (guess that one? LOL)

As a mentor, we hope that we can leave something behind for all to remember what we were best at, loved to do, give a few words of wisdom to change others lives or memories that will never leave! We really shouldn't care as we will be dead! So why should we really care? Do we want to be remembered as a whiner, or the one that was positive and caring? You, tell me!

On the ending note, never take anything for granted....It's not only your moment but the legacy that could make a difference in someone else's life! Make your life the best "Legacy" for you first!

Be back soon! I promise.....:)